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Honoring my commitment

I recently completed a presentation for work that was meant to challenge and inspire the company's field leaders to set personal goals. A believer in participatory coaching I used the opportunity to challenge myself to do what I have not been able to do before - utilize my blog as an outlet for my personal insights and creativity.

And so I find myself fulfilling my stated goal of 2 blog posts per week.

Let me begin with an admission of failure in my first week as this is the only post I have been able to produce, although half a dozen ideas floated through my mind over the past week. There was also a sense that although I made the commitment, I was already going to miss my goal, so why even move forward. And then I remembered the principle of the ALL OR NOTHING MENTALITY. Okay so I wasn't able to complete two posts, that doesn't mean I can't create one. Let's also not forget the brand new week that lays ahead in which I can succeed and put down here some of the thoughts I wasn't able to previously.

There are some very compelling reasons for my initial failure and they will most certainly become the material of future posts. However, I won't use excuses and will own my missed goal for this week. And I will celebrate the small triumph of beginning my "Goal Set" journey.


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